瓦楞纸板,有时被称为瓦楞纤维板,是一种由厚纸制成的材料,中间有凹槽(或沟槽),两边有平面层. 结果是薄板重量轻,强度惊人.

如果你看一下瓦楞纸板的末端,看到将空间划分为独立单元的特征中心“波浪”图案,你就知道这是瓦楞纸板. 正是这些波浪(以及一些复杂的物理现象)赋予了瓦楞纸的强度.

另一方面,普通纸板只是一种厚纸. 它对施加于它的力的阻力很小,并且相对容易弯曲或撕裂. Cardboard does have its uses, of course. 它是记事本背面,食品容器和其他应用的理想选择. 但在建造集装箱时,瓦楞纸板是必须的.


对于一些物品和一些运输项目,木箱是最好的集装箱类型. 这一决定是根据物品的尺寸和重量作出的, their value, 将使用的运输方式和货物的最终目的地. In many cases, however, 瓦楞纸板可以有效地保护被运输的物品,而且成本更低.

At Craters & Freighters, if a wooden crate isn’t necessary, 我们经常使用定制的瓦楞纸板集装箱. Specifically, we build boxes with a minimum 350 lb. 双层波纹纤维板,有三片内衬板,中间有两层介质或凹槽. 这种双层厚的材料非常坚固,为盒子里的物品提供了出色的保护.

corrugated packaging

我们经常加固我们的瓦楞纸箱,以增加耐用性. 这可以通过多种方式完成,包括捆扎,捆扎和码垛一个或多个盒子.


  • They are strong. 如上所述,瓦楞纸板的分层设计赋予了它巨大的强度. While not as strong as a wooden crate, a well-made corrugated box can withstand a great deal of force.
  • They are lightweight. When it comes to the shipping and handling of containers, as long as the protection they provide is sufficient, the lighter the better.
  • They are economical. 瓦楞纸板是一种容易批量生产的材料,因此价格非常便宜.
  • They are highly customizable. 瓦楞纸箱可以设计和制造,以满足任何需要. In the hands of the packaging engineers we have on staff, corrugated can be used to produce anything from a simple, 方形盒子变成了一种独一无二的结构,非常适合一件形状奇特的物品.
  • They are reusable. 因为他们非常善于摆脱运输和处理的影响, corrugated boxes can be used multiple times in many instances.
  • They are recyclable. As Wikipedia notes about corrugated fiberboard, “旧瓦楞容器是回收纤维的极佳来源. They can be compressed and baled for cost-effective transport. The baled boxes are put in a hydro pulper, which is a large vat of warm water for cleaning and processing. The pulp slurry is then used to make new paper and fiber products.”
  • They can be broken down and stored. 而瓦楞纸箱可以抵抗运输过程中遇到的随机力, 为了储存或运输,它们可以被故意分解, particularly if they are designed with that intent in mind.

Beyond its use in constructing shipping containers, 瓦楞纸板可用于在容器内提供额外的保护和分区.

corrugated packaging


如果允许物品自由移动,任何类型的容器都不能保护其中的物品. That includes corrugated cardboard boxes. 为了增强它们提供的保护,必须在容器中添加专门的缓冲.

Often this is in the form of polyethylene or polyurethane foams. 根据密度等因素选择合适的材料, shock value, drop, vibration and recovery characteristics. 某些阻塞和支撑技术可以与缓冲一起使用.

静电放电损坏电子设备的风险是另一个可以通过使用适当的包装材料来解决的问题. Anti-static wraps and cushioning 是否可以在瓦楞纸板运输集装箱内使用,以保护电路板等物品, computer chips and electronic assemblies.

对于电子产品和任何可能被腐蚀损坏的物品,也要特别注意 vapor barrier packaging can be used to shield items that will be transported on a ship. “Bagging” items within their corrugated box, placing an activated desiccant within the vapor barrier bag, heat sealing the seams, 用真空装置抽走袋子里的空气有助于降低湿度,防止物品被腐蚀.

Heat shrink wrapping 是否有其他方法在运输或储存期间保护资产. 对于正在运输的物品,包装可以防止可能损坏它们的移动. In outdoor storage situations, like at a construction site, 热收缩包装是一种经济实惠的选择,提供防御元素.

最后,在某些情况下,建议使用容器中的容器方法. For example, hard shell cases 设计用于缓冲和保护物品,如敏感设备,可以固定,然后放置在瓦楞纸板容器与额外的缓冲,以增加保护程度.

Corrugated Cardboard: Strong, Durable and Versatile

虽然瓦楞纸板箱不如木箱坚固,但它们不应该被视为劣等. They are simply made from a different type of material, and one that is ideally suited for a wide range of uses. 此外,由于它们比木箱轻得多,使用它们通常可以降低运输成本. Properly designed, constructed, and packed, 瓦楞纸箱提供了卓越的性能和价值.